Wednesday, January 30, 2008

New additions to MOM Magazine

I am super pumped about some new columns we will be incorporating into the next issue of MOM Mag. Please join us in welcoming Interior Design guru Tara Finn, a Spruce Grove mom of two young kids and the former head designer for IKEA. She will be taking your questions about design for your home! Send her a picture and ask for her advice. It's FREE!
Her email account will be set up shortly but if you're desperate to get some feedback from her, email us at and we will get it to Tara.

Also new is Darlene Rice, an environmental enthusiast, who will be showing us easy ways to do what you can to save the earth. There will be NO preaching, judging or soapboxing from this column, just simple tips to keep the earth green. Do what you can, she says, one milk jug at a time.

Oh, and have you heard... we're hosting a MOMs retreat May 3-4 at the River Cree. This is going to be an AMAZING event with limited tickets. Be sure to get them because we are giving away housekeeping for a year, laundry service for a year, meals for a month and a FREE in-home consultation with Tara Finn!!! And that's just one prize. Stay tuned for details.... email me if you have questions re: this event... I am working feverishly on getting it all together as well as making sure our Spring issue is even more fabulous than the first two!!!

Chat with ya soon!

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Fitness Focus

The next issue of MOM Magazine will have a special feature called "Fitness Focus" and will showcase ways to take care of your health.

MOM Mag does NOT in any way, shape or form encourage poor self-image or being "skinny" but does encourage you to take control of your overall health.

We will be featuring Osteoporosis, a diary of getting fit from a local mom who is attending Curves, a breakdown of all the different weight-loss programs out there including Dr. Bernstein vs. Weight Watchers, yoga/kickboxing vs. lipo, etc., and do Inches really matter?

If you have a story to tell, use us as your voice.

I look forward to hearing from you!


Thursday, January 17, 2008

Day in the life of a mad publisher

We have planned the Spring issue of MOM Mag and now I am back into the groove of getting up at 3 a.m. and prepping the pagination, writing, editing, planning.... it's all fun!

But that's the thing about being a mom. I have to do the majority of my work when my family is sleeping because it takes away from them if I don't. So I balance my life this way: I get up early, do the bulk of my computer work, drink a pot of coffee, wake the family up by 8 a.m., get them dressed, fed, bring Ron a coffee while he showers, kiss him goodbye, jump in the shower for 2 minutes, throw on some clothes, maybe add some makeup and get the kids ready to go to the office.

I try not to schedule afternoon meetings because my brain is drained by then but if I do have anything scheduled, I drink another pot of coffee - maybe throw in some chocolate-covered espresso beans - and carry on. My childcare is very limited but on the days my kids are with me, I was smart enough to plan my office with a playroom. They're occupied, I get to work and life is good!

Supper is usually around 5 p.m., Ron gets home around 6 p.m. and the kids are in bed around 7:30 p.m. After a couple glasses of wine, I stumble off to bed, leaving Ron to have his "quiet time" in front of the TV.

It's not a perfect routine but it works for me. Ron and I are usually up a couple of times in the night to get Lola a "bobble" or let our dorky dog out to pee.

As most moms know, juggling isn't easy but it is a fact of life. Also, I am an early bird by nature - I get my greatest flow of creativity in the wee hours of the AM listening to the Bear and drinking coffee. It's quiet, no kids are hanging off of me while I'm at the computer or whining for me to read them a book or play Wii with them. Ron isn't lonely for me because, well, he's probably dreaming of me! LOL I get to do all of that stuff during the regular hours of the day and still get to work on the magazine.

By the time the mag goes to press I'm usually burnt out so my in-laws will take the kids for a few days while I catch up on some zzzzzs.

I love, love, LOVE what I do! Is it tough? Absolutely. I don't get to see my friends as often as I'd like but Daina and Jody have become two of my best friends. I don't take a lot of weekends off because I can work at home but that just gives Ron more quality, one-on-one time with the kids.

I'd like to adjust my routine to include the gym early in the AM... it's would happen if I could only tear myself away from my computer.

I'd tell you a little more but I have to get the family ready for their day!

Have a great one!