Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Oprah and me

I am following Oprah's "Live Your Best Life" week. For the past year, I have not lived my best life. I have drank too much, thought more negative thoughts than positive, gained WEIGHT (a TONNE!!) and neglected my family for the sake of the magazine.

Looking back over this past year, I see things about myself that I don't like. So what's my plan? Well, this week, I plan on watching Oprah and learning as much about living my best life as possible. Each day I will try to incorporate a new good habit. I am desperately trying to manage my time better so that I do have family time.

On Sunday, I planned my family's meals for the week. I made my shopping list and followed it to a T! Last night we had roasted Lemongrass chicken (super YUMMERS!!) and tonight I am making Thai Coconut chicken soup with the leftovers. Even Big Daddy noticed my babysteps to a better me.

I know I won't implement every change I want to make but I will try! My health, my sanity and my family depend on it.

So there you go.

Step one: set goals

Step two: make a plan

Step three: believe in me :)

I'll keep you posted!

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