Friday, February 6, 2009

Dear Diary, Don't Fuck with Me.

That's right, I used the word Fuck. OMG. Call the fuckin' Mommy police!

I got a letter from a disgruntled reader who decided to rip apart the magazine from front to back, even making a few personal attacks on some of the people in the magazine - who shall remain nameless because the woman who sent this letter was obviously a bitter and angry person who felt better about herself by judging and insulting other women.

Her comments really pissed me off. We get complaints all the time about our content, the language we use, the poor editing, the jumbled design, Big Daddy and his obviously chauvinistic ways... the list never ends. Normally, I write a nice little email back to these haters telling them to be responsible and recycle!

But this women who wrote this letter... well I have chosen to look deep within myself and NOT respond at all because nothing I could say would make this person happy. Plus, I can't be bothered to waste my time or energy ... THAT is what I have a blawg for!

I actually did draft a response to this women because my initial reaction was one of, "Are you fuckin' KIDDING me???!!! Who the hell do you think you are!" So my email response was going to be something like this... ahem.

"Thank you for taking the time to pick apart our imperfect magazine. Generally, the women who read MOM Magazine take the stick OUT of their ass before flipping through the pages."

I had a few other choice comments in there but once I got them out onto e-paper, I felt better. Calmer, in fact. I chose not to hit send and instead sent her letter to a few of my friends/clients for their feedback.

They agreed that her comments were not constructive and in fact, malicious, judgemental and overall asshole comments. Well, I think they're asshole comments and I can say that because it's my magazine.

Another issue we've faced is that our mag has been pulled from the Tri Leisure Centre in Spruce Grove. I was told the mag was not a good fit with their vision of a community centre. Huh. So Maxim, Cosmo and Glamour magazines are OK but MOM Magazine with it's use of the words "crap, screw, and bullshit" are not.

You know what I think? I think SOME people expect us to be all Martha-friggin-Stewart because we are published in Spruce Grove, Alberta. Well guess WHAT!

It's AIN'T gonna happen! If anything it only validates what I am doing with MOM Magazine because there is such a stereotype associated with being a MOM. You have to have the MOM haircut. You have to get the MOM uniform. You have to speak properly and not swear in front of your kids.

To all of THOSE moms, go pick up Good Housekeeping or watch the MOM show.

MOM Magazine is for REAL women who don't put on a pretentious facade and try to be something they're really not just so they'll fit in with the other dummy mummys.

For all you haters, keep the letters coming. It only adds fire to my already explosive ambition.


1 comment:

  1. Dont sweat it, you arent the only one who wears the ass hat sometimes, majority of the crap that comes out of my mouth pisses people off too. Better to burn out than fade away right?
    I have to share an idea my best friend came up with when I was explaining to her that my husband pissed me off so bad that I wanted to kick him in the junk (we are done having kids anyhow..)
    She suggested I draw pictures of myself kicking him in the junk, then post them on the fridge.
    Sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words, so go ahead, draw yourself removing that bitch stick from said momzilla's cooter....with a sherman tank....then blahg it!
