Thursday, March 18, 2010

Dear Diary, My Dick is Bigger Than Yours, Margaret!

Some women annoy me (OK most women do because of their catty bullshit but in this instance, I'm using the example of one woman in particular).

Globe & Mail columnist Margaret Wente wrote a column called "Why Are Bloggers Male?"

Now, normally I don't bother reading such esteemed journalism as that which comes from the G&M but I saw a tweet from Edmonton Journal columnist Paula Simons so I checked it out... and here's what I saw:
"Blah Blah Blah, women are far too superior than men to bother with blogs Blah Blah Blah men are stupid and women are smart."

OK, she was much more eloquent but that was the gist of it.

She hit a gender-war nerve when she penned this column and I have to say, it pisses me off. I blog. Not often, but I do and more so for the sake of venting than pretending I have any real writing ability (because let's face it most people who blog aren't necessarily "real writers").

Back in the day, when I was a struggling young sports scribe, I penned a column called "In Your Face" for a local sports rag called Edmonton Sports Scene. I was brash, sassy and arrogant, and had there been such a thing as a blog I damn well would've had one, too.

I'm a bad ass blogger

Now that I have my own magazine, I choose to use my blog to reach out to the other bad ass moms (and some dads, apparently) who can relate to my everyday life.

Margaret says she doesn't blog because, "The answer is pretty much the same as why I don't get a souped-up snowmobile and drive it straight up a mountain at 120 kilometres an hour into a well-known avalanche zone. It's more of a guy thing."

Notice how her link goes to a story about the three men who died in a BC Avalanche? Tacky as shit. Truly, show some motherlovin' respect for the families of those men.

She goes on to quote her equally-sexist friend as a source because, you know, she's obviously an expert: “Do you think men are more opinionated than women are?” I asked my friend Sarah the other day. (Sarah is 24, and several of her male friends have started blogs.) “No,” she said. “They just don't feel the need to think before they open their mouths.”

And so opens the can of sexist worms.

Well guess what, Margaret? Nine times out of 10 I don't think before I talk. It's called having an attitude and I'm OK with it. And you know what else, Margaret, nine times out of 10, I don't give a shit what other people think about what I say OR if it comes across as offensive or vulgar because, Margaret, nine times out of 10, I say what most other people don't have the balls to say.

So there.

"Perhaps you've noticed that most of the comments on these websites are not terribly sophisticated. They contain a large insult quotient, even when they come from people with advanced degrees. They remind me of nothing so much as a bunch of 12-year-olds holding peeing contests in the snow.

"Women never held peeing contests. Perhaps that helps explain why women tend to be more restrained and less concerned with public displays of prowess. We are just as interested in listening as in talking, and more interested in relationships than scoring points. We also tend to lack the public confidence that comes so easily to many men."

Guess what, Margaret? I'm pissin' all over the gawdamn snow because that's how I roll. It's women who think like YOU that give the rest of us a bad name. Go make some tea and crumpets and write about something you might actually know about.

Like knitting. Because that's what women are suppose to do, right?

Humbly and graciously yours,
Tamara Plant
Bad Ass Publisher and Potty-mouthed Blogger


  1. haha! you DO think before you speak, it just doesnt take 14 drafts and 7 minutes including two bathroom breaks and one scheduled intermission to do it.
    ....just because the word blog sounds like a word a man invented while scratching something in the shower, doesnt mean something only men do.
    women have been 'verbally blogging 'for centuries, its what we do as the half of the species with the capacity to express our feelings. We just never needed to give it a body function sounding name so we didnt feel like our friends would make jokes about our sexuality.

  2. Lady I blog as well and I appreciate your posting! Thanks for standing up for the rest of us female, loud-and-proud bloggers!

  3. It's funny you mention knitting, since knitting blogs are one of the most popular categories of blogs on the internet, and 90% of them are written by women. (There are exceptions, of course.)

    Somehow I don't think Margaret bothered to learn about that, either.

  4. Aww...don't bash knitting! Many great women who aren't completely ignorant about the world around them knit! ...I also happen to enjoy tea and crumpets!

    I get your point ;) but many female (and male) bloggers I follow are knitting blogs!

  5. In my verbal diarreah, I forgot to mention such famous female bloggers as Erica Ehm (Yummy Mummy Club), Kathy Buckworth (aka Funny Mummy), Sommelier Erin Rosar (aka The Wine Girl), Julie Van Rosendaal (aka Dinner With Julie),Tanis Miller (aka the Redneck Mommy) and so on, and so on... Thanks for the comments. Keep 'em comin!

  6. PS I'm not bashing knitting, honestly, it was the first thing I could think of that didn't involve wine. Or coffee. #knittingisanartform #imnotbeingasmartasseither
