Sunday, October 9, 2011

Hey you, Judgy McJudgerton

Yeh, I'm talking to you.

I just read a post by Bored Mommy on and, if I'm being honest here, I don't usually read mommy bloggers because they annoy me HOWEVER this post title caught my attention: Stop Judging Other Mothers.

Hell to the motherfuckin' YES!

I have seen a lot of twitter drama lately in the mommy industry and it honestly makes me want to bitchslap someone. Instead I take my frustrations out at Crossfit (seriously, you HAVE to try it. I digress, bear with me I'm on coffee #3 and well-rested after 11 hours of sleep. SQUIRREL!)


Twitter drama. WTF, ladies, are you in junior high? No. So quit acting like it. 

All this bullshit about breastfeeding, baby-wearing, nursing in public, discipline ("Gasp! Can you believe she spanked her child?!?!"), my-opinion-is-right-because-I-speak-the-truth, and other catty bullshit, is pathetic. 

Since when did you become all holier-than-thou, high-and-mighty?

Get off your high horse, honey. 

We all have our own ways of raising OUR kids. See that? OUR kids. Not YOUR kids. You raise yours, I'll raise mine. 

Do what you need to do to raise happy, healthy brats. I could care less how you do it, just quit with the fuckin' JUDGING.

When does the judging stop? Gay bashing? Racism? Do you judge someone based on their race or sexuality? Who gave you that right? Judging another MOM based on her choices as a parent to PARENT her own child is beyond words. Why do you care what choices she makes? Are they affecting you? Does her choice of whether or not she breastfeeds or baby wraps have a DIRECT impact on you? Probably not. So are you judging just to hear yourself speak? "I'm going to yell the loudest about my indignation of this woman's choices! How dare she choose something I don't agree with!"

Funny thing about choices, we live in a FREE country where women get the chance vote and *gasp* even become leaders of this country! 

Do you realize how stupid you look when you make catty comments? Or hide behind your twitter accounts? Oh yeh, you're tough online. It's easy to hide behind a computer and say things you would NEVER dare say to someone's face, isn't it?

I don't care what your choices are just don't force them down my throat unless you want to drop the gloves for real because I promise you, there is nothing I would say online or about someone that I wouldn't have the balls to say to your face. 

I am TRYING to create a community of NO CATTY BULLSHIT here, ladies. So grow the fuck up and quit with the mama drama. Learn to celebrate each other, work with each other and play NICE. Keep that school yard shit in the past where it belongs. 

I'm sick of seeing women tear each other apart with snarky ass comments, condescending tones and smug arrogance. You're not better than me, I'm not better than you and NO ONE is a better MOM than YOU ARE.

So why does it matter what you feed your kid, whether or not you swear in front of them, how you discipline (child abuse is not cool, btw, I do not advocate or endorse that but I have been known to swat my kids on the ass as they walk by) or ultimately how you raise your OWN children? 

The so-called self-proclaimed leaders/experts/whatever title you have given yourself need to recognize that if you are a business who is judging OTHER MOMs/women, you are only damaging your own reputation.

Yeh, MOM is the "anti-June Cleaver" magazine but I could care less if you bake from scratch and wear an apron everyday. I'm making my kids Halloween costumes, who am I to judge?

But right now, I'm judging you right now for being a judgemental biatch. 

So quit with the drama, quit with the bullshit and act your fuckin' age. 

Ahem. I have another coffee to drink.


  1. A to the fuck MEN!!! And that's all I have to say about that.

  2. yup - I wanna know how they have the time???

  3. Who knows, Sprogsy, if I had extra time to sit and judge someone and cause all kinds of bullshit drama on twitter, I'd rather use THAT time for sleep or spa dates.

    @getborn thanks babe, appreciate the support!

  4. HELL FRICKIN YAH!!!!! We have discussed the sly disses and put downs that have really gotten to me on twitter and in some of the meme groups. It had gotten so discouraging for me that I began to second guess myself and ask myself am I part of the problem or am I speaking out enough on the BULLSHIT that I encounter daily with certain people or groups on Twitter.

    We each have individual journeys and we arrive on certain roads in an array of different states of mind. Some may be filled with joy while others arrive with insecurities or licking their wounds. It really doesn't matter how we are when we get there, we are all just looking for a friendly face and a little love and support to complete the journey! So I'm vowing today, to back-the-hell up and issue disrespect checks when I witness this crap and if I see any woman professing to be better than another one by tearing down somebody with a snarky, rude ass comment, I am gonna coat check them and invite them to look in the mirror while I share with them "what I see"

  5. Oh man I have been saying this for years, women are our own worst upping each other with birthing stories and mom of the year attributes.. vocalizing to strangers (and getting our children to do so as well?!?) our opinions on bottles/soothers (to hell with the importance of relationship of b/w mom and baby, breast feed at ALL costs) I felt like a steller mom when my baby was puking my nipple blood from 3 months of PAINFUL "doing what's best for my baby"...and then again with the second baby.
    If I attempt interject the slightest varying opinion/thoughts on twitter or blogs I get my head bit off...there is no balance.
    Thanks for the post Tamara, most timely!!!

  6. All I have to say is,..... Hell ya! *foam finger waving in the air!*

  7. My radar picks up no drama, I'm oblivious because I dont give a shit :) however your words register a big HELLS TO THE YEAH on my Meter for the Mama who can't stand up for herself cuz I know they are out there. I used to be her before I took my balls out of the ball pit and put them in my purse :D
    Those who feel they are superior do so because they are needing approval, more power to them I do not need to be the one that gives it :D

    Happy Days sistas! If you need some SPARKLE come see me...I have enough for you!
