Sunday, April 5, 2009

dear diary, i need an assistant!

No this isn't a help wanted ad, I'm not actually hiring anyone but when I can afford to do so, I will let you know!!

I just put together my to-do list for tomorrow and I want to go back to bed and cry. PMS is a bitch that way. I get sooooo overwhelmed by all of the things I want to do and then when I start to organize it and look at how I have to accomplish it, I think WTF!!! Why do I do this to myself?!

I have a couple of big projects in the works and realize that maybe - just maybe - I have to learn to delegate. Hmmm... delegate. Such an odd and foreign concept to me. But it may just be the answer to saving my sanity and my marriage.

I mean, look at this for Gawds sakes!! It's Sunday afternoon and I'm blogging about all the crap I have to do this week. Gawd forbid, I actually tear myself away from the computer to clean my house! LMAO! Now why the hell would I do that?!?!

Seriously, though, I need to start getting up early again so I can accomplish more... I'm pretty productive at 4 a.m.

Fortunately, I have some fabulous girls working with me so maybe - just maybe - I can throw some stuff their way.

On another note, Spring looks like it's here (about f'kin time, too!!) so I am adding a personal to-do list to my day and even programming it into my Imposter Barry. Tanning, nails, showering... these are all things a girl should really do!! And, what the hell!! I think I'm gonna do it!! Uhm, kidding about the showering thing, though... :D

In the meantime, I am looking for some "volunteers" to do some stuff... let me know if you're interested!!


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