Friday, December 18, 2009

Love for the Twits

If you're on Twitter, you know all about the #ff or Follow Fridays. It's how you high-five your fellow twits and build your community of followers. I personally like to call them Twits because followers makes it sound like I'm some sort of cult leader ... plus I don't believe anyone should "follow" someone. Always be a leader!

Ahem. I digress.

Today, I have decided to steal the idea of @InspiredCoach of blogging my Top 5 Twits of the week. She mentioned me last week because I'm so damn awesome, and this week, I reciprocate to her because she friggin' ROCKS!! Add her to your Twitter community.

#5: @Optimom She gets it!! She preaches and teaches the value of putting yourself FIRST, above the kids, above the hubby, above everyone because you can't take care of anyone if you are struggling to take care of yourself. Personally, I think she stole this idea from me because, you know, that's how she rolls... she mischievous that way. And she says stuff like "Sweet Niblets!" when she really means "Ass Hat."

#4 @TassimoCanada If you love coffee,, you NEED to have this coffee brewing system. FYI MOM is giving one away next week so be sure to enter our contest!! I blog about coffee. I tweet about coffee. No one loves coffee more than I do, and finding this coffee system was like finding Big Daddy. Except I never thought my love affair with the Tassimo would be just a one-night thing, where as Big Daddy was suppose to be. 11 years later I figure Big Daddy might just be a permanent fixture. But I still have a love affair with my Tassimo. So there.

#3 @TBSonK97 The K-Rock morning show is raunchy. And according to the Terry, Bill and Steve show on K97, MOM is worse than they are. *blush* we're honoured that they would give us such a compliment. We love Terry, Bill & Steve. They make us laugh, they make us cringe and they make us feel pretty damn good about ourselves because we know we could never, ever be as badass as they are. HA! I wrote that with a straight face!!

#2 @SalesDiva For all you FIERCE women in business, you need to know Kim Duke. She will give you the tools you need to take your business to the next level. She's the sassy sales diva who gives you tips, points you in the direction of the experts, sends you newsletters full of useful information and gives you the kick in the ass you need!

#1 @BigDaddySaid well who else did you think would be #1 in my world?? Big Daddy is funny. And brilliant. And only smart people get his sense of humour. If you like to be entertained and engage in witty, intelligent banter, I highly recommend him. And if you prefer the opposite, feel free to follow me.



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