Wednesday, October 10, 2012

When the world slips you a Jeffrey

You have no idea how seriously I'm thinking of installing a furry wall in my house.

It has been ONE HELLUVA ride this past month with all of the preparation for the FIERCE awards and I'm  BAFFLED by the fact that it's 9 days away!

The amount of detail that goes into this event boggles my mind even though I've been doing this for three years. I KNOW what I get myself into each year but I also know that this event matters, despite the struggle it's been to get here.

Last year at this time, I was practically begging for sponsors. This year, we are 90% sold out of our sponsorship opportunities.
The classy FIERCE committee. 

For the past two years, I've been co-ordinating the FIERCE awards by myself but last year I was lucky enough to have some seriously bad ass babes demand ask to be a part of it, and so the FIERCE committee was born.

Karissa was at the launch of the first-ever FIERCE event in March 2008 and has stood by me ever since, gently encouraging me to keep moving forward with it even when I wanted to quit. She is a true friend and I love her even if she is a bacon-eating vegetarian.

Special shout out to my sparkly flogger-wielding friend SherryLynn (who forces me to listen to her goddam Tigger impersonations is the first to be there when I rant on Facebook for help), Megan (who really needs a cheeseburger has been key in our FIERCE PR), Dawn (who brings a high level of inappropriate behaviour class to the group), and last but not least Katy (who has been instrumental in executing multiple shots of whiskey tasks and helping to build excitement for the event).

I'm not really sure what we're doing....

OK. Back to the details. I am all over the place, aren't I? I can't HELP it, there is so much to do that I've developed FIERCE ADD!!

Lee Hrbachewski
Sandra Fuentes
Rayanne Forbes

This year, we hosted a Nominee Celebration to give the nominees a chance to meet, mingle and learn about each other but also to find out more about what to expect at the gala and to present our Nominee Choice award. Congrats to our 2012 FIERCE Nominee Choice winners Rayanne Forbes, Lee Horbachewski and Sandra Fuenetes who received this GAWJUS diamond award!

Aside from adding the extra event, we've got a TONNE of A/V stuff we're adding to the gala (which takes a helluva lot of co-ordinating), nominee bio boards (that have to be edited and designed from scratch because I do NOT do cookie cutter templates), programs, vendor booths, promos to design, volunteers to co-ordinate, scripts to write, tickets to sell and send, judges to harass, nominees to harass, a jewelry line to launch, plus an assortment of other kick ass things which I won't bore you with.

Yesterday, I woke up refreshed after a FULL 8 hours sleep and decided to throw together THIS little gem!

We will have prints for sale at the gala and I am SO beyond thrilled with myself for being inspired and creative enough to do it

I'd love your feedback. And for you to buy a ticket to the FIERCE awards if you haven't got one already.

See you in a week!!!

Return to You Are FIERCE


  1. Dear Tamara,
    I am so grateful to you for your dedication, commitment and hard work to create the amazing FIERCE Awards. When I shared with you not long ago that I didn't feel very FIERCE, your words in return have been a source of inspiration and comfort. The FIERCE mantra that includes the words "and sometimes choose to walk away" have been a source of comfort for my conflicted soul.
    I am truly honored and grateful to be included with such FIERCE, inspiring and amazing women. Both my beautiful diamond and the award from last year warm my heart with gratitude and pride. I AM Fierce, even (and probably more so) in the darkness of depression.
    Thank YOU for all you do.
    BTW This post is freakin hilarious - Tamara at her best.
    Love you
    Lee xoxox

  2. Thanks Lee! I look forward to seeing you next week! *hugs*
