Let's clear a couple of things up about MOM Magazine:
MOM is not a magazine for the Betty Crocker moms out there. We are not geared towards the moms who take themeselves seriously.
MOM Magazine does treat our content as conversational and we talk about issues the way we would talk to our girlfriends. This includes but is not limited to:
We do occasionally use conversational words like Ass, Crap, Boobs, etc.
As the founder and publisher of this magazine, I have never tried to hide the fact that we are a magazine for moms to try and bring back the message that ALL moms are goddesses. There is nothing wrong with embracing the sensual side of being a woman. That is, after all, the way you became a mom.
We get a lot of people commenting that MOM Magazine has offended them by using the word ASS on the cover because little Johnny might pick it up and read that word. If your kid is reading, you can pretty much rest assured that he's learning much worse words on the playground than he will from MOM Magazine.
Ironically, not one response has been about the picture of boobs that goes with the Do your Boobs Hang Low? article.
There is a tone to our magazine that should be obvious here... our content is designed to be toungue-in-cheek. Fun. Silly. Light-hearted. We do tackle some very serious issues - Breast Cancer, Menopause and Cooking.
But if it's housekeeping tips or parenting advice you are after, then Chatelaine is the mag for you.
If you want a break from the responsibilities that go along with the role of Mom, or want to reconnect with your inner goddess or you can relate to all of the other moms we relate to, then MOM Mag is the one for you!
We are not out to offend anyone with our content. Keep things in perspective and in the context in which things are written. Kickin' Breast Cancer's Ass is a good thing. Do You Spit or Swallow? It refers to wine tasting and it is a legitimate question. The C-Word... Credit is something most women don't like to talk about, let alone say out loud.
Have some fun in life, people! Life's too short to take it so seriously.
I do hope you enjoy the articles for what they are. And if you need to vent, please do. I do take your suggestions and criticims very seriously.
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