Monday, November 9, 2009

Good by early 30s...

Today is officially my last day as a 34-year-old.

I don't even know why it matters to me, I've never looked at my birthday that way before but for some reason turning 35 seems to bring with it a whole new mentality. Maybe it's time for me to be mature, settle down and focus on what is important in life.

By "settle down" I mean put aside my childish mentality, my selfish "Me, ME, ME!!!" way of thinking and start thinking about how my actions affect those around me.

35 sounds old. It sounds like an age where you should be secure in your life and have a wonderful daily routine. It sounds like an age where my house should look a certain way and have a certain feel. Our house feels cluttered and blah. We've never had an interior designer help us and it certainly isn't "mature" the way it feels when I visit my friend's homes.

If I'm lucky enough to live to be 70 this means I'm HALFWAY THROUGH MY LIFE!


That's a lot of living to pack into another 35 years. And yet this first 35 have gone by so quickly.

Is this my midlife crisis?? Is there a hot young gardener in my future? BAH! I have a hard enough time with Big Daddy I couldn't imagine having to worry about keeping a hot young stud on the side.

But seriously, I feel like I have ONE LAST DAY to get my shit together and grow up.

I just looked around the dungeon and realized it's gonna take a whole lot more than one day to clean this place up. Or change my life.

I guess it starts with this one day.

My final day in my early 30s. From here on in, I'll be in my mid-30s. If I died tomorrow, Lynda Steele would be reading from her anchor desk at Global TV saying, "A woman in her mid-thirties was killed today after falling into a wood chipper. Her husband claims to have found her that way."

Fuck. Me.

Mid-thirties sounds like I should be much more polished and mature than I am.

I don't know, people... Maybe I should just embrace the A5-35 rub and roll with it.

I'll let you know how it goes.


1 comment:

  1. I know exactly how you feel. I turn 35 in a couple of weeks. This past year, I've gone through a bit of a mid-life crisis myself. But I've embraced the fact that with age comes experience and wisdom!
